Refreshes Others

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - Wisdom - Proverbs 11-25 - Refreshes Others - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Wisdom – Proverbs 11-25 – Refreshes Others – Growing As Disciples

A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

Give Away

I have richly blessed your life. I have given you many good gifts. Why do you think I have richly blessed your life? What do you think I would like to do with what I have given to you? I know for sure that you want me to be like you. Yes, I do. What am I like? You are a giver of good gifts. You are the one that has richly blessed my life. Yes, I am. You want me to also be a giver of good gifts. You want me to richly bless the lives of others. Yes, I do.

Do you have any fear in giving away what I have given to you? Do you think if you give away what I have given to you that you might be left with nothing? I might have had that thought at one time or another. It’s a foolish and selfish thought. It would be a terrible mistake for me to horde for myself what you have given to me. Why is that? I have learned that when I give to others I receive much more in return. You will never leave me with nothing. You never leave me empty and depleted. As I have refreshed the lives of others you have always refreshed my life. As I have given to others you have always given more to me. Yes, I have.

I know that giving to others is your call on my life. Yes, it is. Being richly blessed by you is like a test question. You are asking me if I will answer your call by generously giving away what you have given to me. Yes, I am. I will answer your call. I want to be like you. I would be willing to give away what you have given to me even if I was left empty and depleted in your service. Why is that? Knowing that I have gone and done your will is enough for me. Knowing that I am doing what you ask of me fills me up and refreshes my life. Giving generously to others is refreshing in itself because I know that in doing so I am doing what you have done. As I give to others I know that I am becoming more like you. I am loving like you loved. I am giving like you gave. I am doing your will and walking in your ways. Yes, you are. As I give to others I know that you are working in and through my life. Yes, I am. As I give to others I know that I am bearing fruit for your kingdom and bringing glory to your name. There is nothing better than that. There is nothing more than that. I want my life to be fully used by you. So, I will love like you loved and give like you gave. That will be very good.

Lord, you have blessed my life and given me many gifts. I will not horde for myself what you have given to me. Help me to generously use what I have been given to serve others. I know you will give me more of what I generously give away in service to others. Amen

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Wisdom – Proverbs 11-25 – Refreshes Others – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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