Obey It

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - God's Word - Luke 11:28 - Obey It - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – God’s Word – Luke 11:28 – Obey It – Growing As Disciples

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28 (NIV)

Hear And Obey

Do you want my blessing to be on your life? Yes of course I want your blessing to be on my life. Who would not want your blessing to be on their lives? That would make no sense at all. You would be very surprised to learn of the many who do not want my blessing on their lives. They have rejected my word. Their hearts are hard. Their ears are closed. They have no interest in anything that I have to say to them. They neither hear my word nor put it into practice. That’s not good. No, it is not. Then there are those that like to hear my word but fail to put it into practice. All their hearing does them no good. Their hearts and minds and lives remain unchanged. It’s as if they never heard my word at all. That’s not good either. No, it is not good. 

What about you? What’s your plan? What will you do with my word? I will go to great lengths to hear your word. Everyday I will set apart a time and a place to meet with you in your word. I will listen attentively to all that you have to say to me. I will let your word soak into my life. I will let your word dwell in me richly. I will hunger and thirst for your word. I will savor your word. I will meditate on your word. I will memorize your word. I will pray your word. I will speak your word. I will sing your word. In every way I will value and honor your word. I will let your word change my heart. I will let your word transform my mind. I will let your word form my thoughts. I will let your word guide my life. That will be very good. What else?

I will put your word into practice. I will hear and obey your word. I will allow your word to strengthen me to do your will. I will allow your word to empower me to walk in your ways. I will allow your word to guide me to go to wherever you lead me. I will allow your word to direct me to do whatever you ask of me. I will live my life with and for you. I will live under the promise of your blessing as I hear your word and put it into practice. Yes, you will. That will be very good. I will bless your life as you hear and obey my word.

Lord, I will meet with you everyday in your word so I can hear from you. I will listen attentively to everything you have to say to me. I will rely on your help so I can put into practice all that you teach me. I will follow and obey you. Amen

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Gods Word- Luke 11-28 – Obey It – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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