Perfect Peace

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - Promises - Day 32 - Isaiah 26:3-4 - Perfect Peace - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Promises – Day 32 – Isaiah 26:3-4 – Perfect Peace – Growing As Disciples

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:3-4 (NIV)

Trust Me

What is your experience with worry and anxiety? Lord, you know that I have been filled with worry and anxiety throughout my entire life. Yes, I do. Tell me about your worry and anxiety. I have worried and been anxious in a multitude of different situations and circumstances. Some of my worries and anxieties have been based in reality. Theoretically I have had good cause to be anxious and to worry. I have been in worrisome circumstances. Yes, I know. At other times my worries and anxieties were not based in reality. I really had no cause to worry or to be anxious. I worried and was anxious because I imagined the worst that could happen. Would you say that you set your mind on worrisome thoughts of the worst that could happen? Yes, I would. How has doing that helped you? It hasn’t helped me at all. Thinking about the worst-case scenarios is my sure way to be filled with worry and anxiety. Yes, it is.

So, it isn’t the situation that causes you to be anxious and to worry as much as it is what you do with a potentially worrisome situation. I need you to say more. Say again, what do you when you face a worrisome situation? I look at it from every angle. I consider every possibility. I imagine what could happen if things go wrong. I prepare myself as best I can to face every conceivable worst-case scenario. This then fills you up with worry and anxiety. Yes, it does.

Can you see that you are setting your mind on the wrong things? Like what? You tell me. I’m setting my mind on my circumstances and my ability to handle them. That hasn’t worked well at all has it? No, it hasn’t.  Do you trust me? Yes Lord, I trust you. When you are filled with worry and anxiety are you trusting me? No, I suppose not. What would you do if you wanted to place your complete trust in me? I want to place my complete trust in you. Then, how will you do it? In trusting you I would keep my heart and mind and eyes focused on you. Instead of looking at potentially worrisome circumstances I will keep my eyes focused on you. I will trust and rely on you for your help. Do you know why you can be confident in trusting me? You are a rock of eternal strength that can be trusted. Yes, I am. You are my rock of eternal strength that I can trust. Yes, I am. 

How will you allow yourself to be reminded that I am your rock of eternal strength that you can trust? What will you do so that you do not fall into the temptation to worry and be filled with anxiety? I will keep my heart and mind and eyes focused on you. I will meet with you in your word. I will allow you to speak into my life so that I can receive strength and encouragement from you. I will allow you to replace my worrisome thoughts with all that you have to say to me. That will be very good. Then I will be placing my complete trust in you so that I will be able to receive your perfect peace. Yes, you will.

Lord, you are my eternal rock of strength. You are worthy of my complete trust. I will keep my eyes focused on you as I go though worrisome situations in life. I will allow my heart and mind to hear your word as I keep all my thoughts on you. Amen

Key Question… How has relying on the Lord and keeping your eyes focused on Him given you peace in life?

Living It Out… Place your complete trust in the Lord your eternal rock so that you will receive His perfect peace.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith to believe that you will have perfect peace as you place your complete trust in the Lord.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how placing your trust in the Lord has brought you His perfect peace.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you receive perfect peace from the Lord as you place your complete trust in Him.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Promises – Day 32 – Isaiah 26-3-4 – Perfect Peace – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

Thoughts Are Fixed On You

The Prayer Filled Life - Day 73 - Thoughts Are Fixed On You - Growing As Disciples

The Prayer Filled Life – Day 73 – Thoughts Are Fixed On You – Growing As Disciples

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 (NLT)  

Fix Your Thoughts

I get it. I understand. You get what? What do you understand? There is a double meaning here. Tell me what you get. Tell me what you understand. My thoughts are a mess. My thoughts need fixing. How so? I am filled with turmoil. I am living with trouble and worry and anxiety. Why is that true? I am trying to control my own circumstances. I am trying to solve my own problems. How is that going? How is that working out for you? What is your track record of success? It is not going well for me. It is not working out well for me. I do not have a great track record of success. I guess that should come as no great surprise to you or to me. It is not surprising to me. It should come as no surprise to you either. Why is that? Did I create you to be self-reliant? Did I make you to be self-sufficient? No, you did not. You want to live in an intimate relationship with you. You want me to rely on you. You want me to place all my faith and hope and trust in you. Doing otherwise is what filled me with turmoil. Doing otherwise has filled me with trouble and worry and anxiety. So, my thoughts really do need fixing. Yes, they do need fixing, there is no doubt about that. That is a very important acknowledgement.

How will your thoughts be fixed? What must you do if you want your thoughts to be fixed? I must fix my thoughts on you. I must place all my faith and hope and trust in you. I must look to you for help. I must come to rely on you. You are my rock. You are my fortress. You are my strength and my deliverer. I must turn all my turmoil and worries, and troubles and anxieties, into prayers to you. As I turn my focus away the world and all its worries and turn to fix my thoughts on you, I will be filled with perfect peace. You will help me. You will come to my aid. You will give me peace beyond my comprehension. You will help me beyond what I could imagine.  As I fix my thoughts on you, my thoughts will be fixed. Of that, you can be certain. Of that, there is no doubt. Thank you, Lord.

Lord, there has been times of great turmoil in my life. I have lived with trouble, worry and anxiety.  I have tried to control my own circumstances and solve my own problems, without success. No more. I will fix my thoughts on you as I place my trust in you. Amen

Key Question…  When has refocusing your thoughts on the Lord helped you to have peace rather than turmoil?

Living It Out…  Fix your thoughts on the Lord so you can live in perfect peace.

Seeing It Happen…  Have faith that you will have perfect peace as you fix your thoughts on the Lord.

Get Ready To Share…  Share with another person or your small group how fixing your thoughts on the Lord has given you perfect peace.

Prayer To Bless Others…  May you live in perfect peace as you fix your thoughts on the Lord.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Devotional Study Guide click here

The Prayer Filled Life – Day 73 – Isaiah 26-3-4 – Thoughts Are Fixed On You – 4 Page Study Discipleship Devotional Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                                                        Copying not permitted                                                                          

Perfect Peace

Discipleship Study - Trust - Psalm 26:3-4 - Your Thoughts- Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Study – Trust – Psalm 26:3-4 – Your Thoughts- Growing As Disciples

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 (ESV)

Your Thoughts

What occupies your thoughts? What causes you to be filled with anxiety and stress? When are you most likely to be under attack? Those are all very good questions for me. Why is that? As you know, I am quite a worrier. I have a life filled with stress. Why is that? Do you think it is my will for you to worry and carry a heavy load of stress? No, I’ sure that you want me to be filled with your peace. That’s right. Why are you so often not filled with my peace? My mind is set on the wrong things. Like what? I think about my problems. I think about real problems that I have in the here and now. I think about future problems that might never come. I think about imaginary problems that don’t really exist in any place other than in my mind. You actually make up things to worry about? I guess so. That’s not good. I know. I would like it if I didn’t worry. I would be very happy if I were not full of anxiety. Is that a prayer of yours? Yes, it is. I would like you to relieve me of my worry and free me from my stress.

Why do worry? Worry is the way that I try to solve my problems. I think about my problems from every angle. I think about what could happen. I think about ways to solve what might happen. Do you worry about your worry? Do you worry about your anxiety and stress? Yes, I do. That’s certainly worth thinking about. Why is that? All your worry and anxiety and stress will either make you ineffective for me or ruin your health. Now that is something to worry about. Stop It. 

Let me ask you some questions. Has worrying improved your life? Has worrying solved your problems? No, worry has not improved my life or solved my problems. Has worrying sapped your energy and increased your anxiety and stress? Yes, it has. Instead of worrying about problems why don’t you ask me for help? Would you like my help? Do you believe that I can and will help you with your problems? I believe that you can and will help me with my problems. Do you think that your life would be relieved of stress and filled with my peace if you placed your trust in me? I know that if I placed my trust fully in you I would be filled with your peace. Will you place your trust in me? Will you allow me to fill your life with my peace? Yes, Lord, I will. That will be very good.

Lord, you are my everlasting rock. You are my fortress. You are my deliverer. You are my helper in time of need. You are worthy of all my faith and trust and hope. I will fix all my thoughts on you. I will rely on you for your help. I will trust in you now and forever. Amen

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship study guide click here:

Trust – Isaiah 26-3-4 – Perfect Peace – 4 Page Discipleship Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted