Light Of The World

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - Life In Christ - John 8:12 - Light Of The World - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Life In Christ – John 8:12 – Light Of The World – Growing As Disciples

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 (NIV)

Path Of Life

Where are you headed? I was going to walk down this path. Does that look like a good direction to head? I thought so, is there something wrong with it? It looks awfully dark to me. What do you think? I didn’t think of that. It does look quite dark just a head, now that you mention it. What drew you to that path anyway? I saw lots of people heading down this path. I just assumed that they knew where they were going. So, I was thinking of following them. I thought that this must be the right direction in life if so many others were taking it. So, you were going to follow the crowd? I guess I was. But, you didn’t give it much thought did you? Not really. What was so alluring about that path anyhow? It was the well-traveled path that all the popular people were taking. I wanted to be popular so I thought I’d join them. I didn’t want to stand out as being different. That would be awkward and maybe even embarrassing. You wouldn’t want that now would you? No, not at all, at least that’s what I was thinking then. What are you thinking now? I’m guessing that there must be something wrong about that path. Why is that? Why else would you be asking me so many questions about it? You’ve got a good point and you’re right, there is a problem with that path. What’s the problem?

There are actually two problems. How can that be, there is only this one path? There is a problem with who chose the path and the path itself. Who chose the path? That would be me. Isn’t it my job to choose my path in life? Yes, if that’s what you want. I’m confused. If you want your own path, go ahead and choose it. That’s what I did. I know. That brings us to the second problem. What’s that? I’m not on that path. You’re not? No, that path leads away from me into darkness. People on that path will stumble and grope around in darkness for a long time. Some will eventually find their way back to me, many others will not. Those who find their way back to me will regret the time they wasted on that wrong path. Well then, I definitely don’t want to go down that path. I’m glad you got my attention and directed me to the right path. Yes, I’m very glad that you are paying attention to me. But, it’s time now for you to make a big decision. What’s that?

You are going to have to decide who will choose your path in life? Are you going to be the one continually choosing or are you going to follow me? If you follow me you will have my light to guide you through life. You will know which direction to head because I will be leading you. If you choose your own path in life you will be doing a lot of stumbling around in darkness. You will go places and do things that are not in my plans for you. I don’t want that at all. I didn’t think so. Will you follow me? Yes Lord, I will. Very good, let’s move away from here. Follow me on this path.

Lord, thank you that you are the light of the world. You guide and direct me through life and keep me from walking in darkness. You are the Light of my life. Guide my next steps so that I will be able to follow you and live according to your plan. Amen

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Life In Christ – John 8-12 – Light Of The World – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                                               Copying not permitted                                                     

At Work In You

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - Transformation - 1 Thessalonians 2:13 - At Work In You - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Transformation – 1 Thessalonians 2:13 – At Work In You – Growing As Disciples

And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 (NIV) 

Are You Listening?

Are you listening? Would you say that you are a good or poor listener? That depends on who is talking. I’ve been told that I am not that great of a listener. Why is that? My attention span is not real long. I get bored easily and become quite distracted. There are plenty of times that I would rather be the one talking than the one listening.

How about listening to me, how well do you listen to me? That’s a good question that is hard for me to answer. Why is that? I don’t think that I’m a very good judge of how well I listen to you. I know that I can become impatient and not wait to listen to all that you have to say to me. Listening to you is a commitment that requires real discipline. What do you mean by that? It is very easy for me to race through life and never sit down to take time to listen to you. I’ve hardly ever been able to hear you speaking to me over the noise and busyness of my life. I’ve found that you usually speak with a quiet voice in moments of stillness that I spend with you in your word. You never seem to shout out to me over the noise of the crowd. There have been many times when you have brought my life to a complete stop so that I could hear from you. How have you liked that? Not much, those “complete stops” of yours are usually pretty uncomfortable. Is that an understatement? Yes, it is. I would rather listen to you attentively in the first place. I’m not complaining though, those “complete stops” of yours, although painful, have gotten my attention and helped me to listen to you. Yes, they have.

How will you know if you are really listening to me? I suppose the real judge of my listening will be how well I put into practice what you are asking of me. If I follow and obey you then that seems like a good sign that I have listened to you. Yes, it is.

Is listening to me becoming easier or harder for you to do? At one time I thought I had so much to say. It was much harder to listen. Now, I hunger and thirst for you and your word. It is my joy to hear, accept, receive and believe all that you are saying to me. Why is that? When I’m really listening to you I know that you are working in and through my life. Yes, I am. I welcome you to do anything and everything in and through me that you have in your plans for me. So, here I am, listening attentively to you. Yes, you are.

Lord, thank you for helping me to receive, hear, accept, and believe your word. Your word is transforming who I am and all I do. It is my delight to allow your word to be at work in me. Use me to proclaim your word to others so it can be at work in them. Amen

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional study guide click here:

Transformation – 1 Thessalonians 2-13 – At Work In You – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                                               Copying not permitted