Great Peace

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - God's Word - Psalm 119:165 - Great Peace - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – God’s Word – Psalm 119:165 – Great Peace – Growing As Disciples

Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.  Psalm 119:165 (NIV)

Your Word

I love your word. I love listening to all that you have to say to me. Your word guides my life. Your word gives me great peace. Your word keeps me from stumbling. You are using your word to change my heart. You are using your word to transform my mind. Your word has helped me to think your thoughts. Your word has helped me to walk in your ways. Without your word I would not know you. You have revealed yourself to me by your word.

Your word strengthens me. Your word is my delight. I want to meditate on your word. I want your word to dwell in me richly. I want to feast on your word. I want to rest in your word. I want to be revived, refreshed and restored by your word. I want to be taught and trained by your word. I want to be molded and shape by your word. I want to live my life according to everyone one of your words.

Your word is making me usable in your service. Your word is helping me to bear fruit for your kingdom. Your word is helping me to bring glory to your name. Your word is helping me to shine brightly as your witness in the world. I will remain in your word. Apart from your word I can do nothing. Your word guides me to where you want to me to go. Your word gives me what you want me to do for you.

I will follow and obey your word. I will set aside my thoughts for your thoughts. I will set aside my ways for your ways. I will humbly come to meet with you in your word. I will be still before you. I will open my heart and mind to all that you have for me. I will not run ahead of your word. I will not turn to the left or the right of your word. I will not lag behind your word.

I will hold on to your word. Your word is strong. Your word is sure. You word gives me a level path. Your word helps me to walk on solid ground. Your word lifts me up out of the muck and the mire. Your word keeps my feet from slipping. Your word fills me with peace as I listen attentively to all that you have to say to me. Help me to live my life according to your word. Yes, I will.

Lord, I love your word. You teach me and guide my life by your word. As I rely on your word you give me peace and stability. I know that you are with me. You are leading me along life’s path. I will live in peace and stability by following and obeying your word. Amen

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God’s Word – Psalm 119-165 – Great Peace – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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