A Still Small Voice

The Prayer Filled Life - Day 96 - 1 Kings 19-11-12 - A Still Small Voice - Growing As Disciples

The Prayer Filled Life – Day 96 – 1 Kings 19-11-12 – A Still Small Voice – Growing As Disciples

Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake;  and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. 1 Kings 19:11-12 (NKJV) 

Speak To Me

That is what I want. What do you want? I want you to speak to me. I want to hear your voice. Why do you want me to speak to you? Why do you want to hear my voice? I want to know you. I want to know your will. I want to walk in your ways. I want to live in an intimate relationship with you. I want to walk through life with you. I want to go where you guide me. I want to do what you ask of me. I want to live the life you have called me to live. Would any of that be possible if I never heard from you? Would my own thoughts guide me to where I should go? Would my own ideas give me what I should do? What do you think? I’m more interested in what you think. What have I already said to you? You have said that apart from you, I can do nothing. Do you believe that to be true? I know that to be true. So, are you really ready to listen to me? Yes, I am. That is very good.

What else have I already said to you? You have said that I will find you when I seek you with all my heart. Do you know that to also be true? Yes, I do. That is also very good. What does that tell you about seeking me? What does that tell you about listening to my voice? Seeking you and listening to you is not an occasional, part time, half-hearted effort. If I really want to seek you and hear from you, I must be fully devoted to you. All my heart and mind and life must be focused on you, to both seek and hear from you. That is correct.

What are you prepared to do as your part in seeking and hearing from me? I will withdraw from the noise and busyness of life. I will quiet myself in your presence. I will meet with you in your word. Why is all this important? You will not shout to get my attention. I am very unlikely to hear your still small voice over the noise and busyness of life. That is true. What is also true? I am more than a little hard of hearing. Hearing your voice does not come naturally or easily to me. Hearing your voice seems like a habit to be practiced and a skill to be developed. Yes, it is. As I continue to meet with you in your word, I will learn to hear you speaking to me. I will follow you to where you lead me and do what you ask me. I will then be able to live the life you have called me to live. Of that, you can be certain. Keep on drawing near to me. I will draw near to you. You will hear from me. Thank you, Lord.

Lord, this life is busy. This life is noisy. I know that it will be unlikely that I will hear your voice over the noise and busyness of life. So, I will withdraw to quiet places so I can hear from you. I will focus my heart, mind, and life on you. Lord, speak to me. I’m listening. Amen

Key Question…  How are you making a habit of withdrawing from the noise of life so you can hear the Lord’s voice?

Living It Out…  Meet with God in His word and listen to His still small voice speaking to you.

Seeing It Happen…  Have faith that the Lord will speak to you as you listen carefully to Him.

Get Ready To Share…  Share with another person or your small group how you are making it a habit to listen carefully to the Lord’s voice.

Prayer To Bless Others…  May you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord speaking to you.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

The Prayer Filled Life – Day 96 – 1 Kings 19-11-12 – A Still Small Voice – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights re