How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - Promises - Day 330 - Psalm 119-9-11 - How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Promises – Day 330 – Psalm 119-9-11 – How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure – Growing As Disciples

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.  Psalm 119:9-11 (NIV)

 In My Heart

Do you believe that this is true? What’s that? Do you believe that hiding my word in your heart will help you to not sin against me? Yes, I do. What makes you so certain? First, before I answer that question, I want to clarify something. Go right ahead. I know that I have sinned and that I will sin again.  I also want to say that I know that I have forgiveness for all my sins in the past, present and future because of what your Son, Jesus Christ did for me on the cross. He made it so that I could be forgiven of all sins and cleansed of all my unrighteousness. Yes, that’s exactly what He did for you. I have not, nor can I ever, earn my salvation. No, you cannot because your salvation has already been given to you as a gift.  You received your gift of salvation on the day that you came to believe in my Son and follow Him as your Savior and Lord. Yes, and for that I am eternally grateful.  So now, I will attempt to answer your question. Go right ahead. Hiding your word in my heart and mind has to do with being able to live the life that you have called me to live. Yes, it does. Hiding your word in my heart is really about living as a disciple or follower of Christ. Say more about that. Your Son hid your word in His heart. Yes, He did. As a follower of Christ I want to do what He did. I want to become like your Son, Jesus Christ. He has set for me an example to follow. Yes, He has done that for you. Because He hid your word in His heart and mind He was able to stand against temptation. Yes, He was. He used your word to stand against the attacks of the Devil. Yes, He did. Just as your word worked in, for, and through Him, so also your word will work in, for, and me. Yes, it will. That is why I am so certain that hiding your word in my heart and mind will help me to not sin against you. Good answer.

How have you been hiding my word in your heart? I have been meditating on and memorizing your word day and night. I have been reading and studying your word. I have been applying your word to my life. As we meet together in your word I have been making your word the subject of my prayers to you.  I have been singing your word in songs of worship to you. Your word has been my delight. In every way I have been letting your word dwell in me richly. Yes, you are.

What has my word been doing for you? Your word has been changing my heart, transforming my mind and guiding my life. Your word has changed the desires of my heart. How so? I want to do what pleases you. I want to know you. I want to live in an intimate relationship with you.  I want to think your thoughts. I want to do your will. I want to live out the life that you have given me to live. I don’t want to sin against you. I want to live and walk in purity before you. Your word is both giving and granting to me these desires of my heart. Yes, it is. You are remaining in my word and my word is remaining in you.  You are making me able to live a life of purity. You are making me able to not sin against you. Yes, I am.

Lord, I am hiding your word in my heart and mind as I memorize and meditate on it day and night. Thank you for using your word to change my heart, transform my mind and guide my life. Keep my way pure as I follow and serve you. Amen

Key Question… What portion of God’s word speaks to areas in which you are likely to experience temptation?

Living It Out… Hide God’s word in your heart and mind by meditating on and memorizing it day and night as you follow and serve Him.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that God will keep your way pure as you hide His word in your heart and mind.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how God’s word is changing your heart and transforming your mind.

Prayer To Bless Others… May God keep your way pure as you hide His word in your heart and mind.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Promises – Psalm 119-9-11 – Day 330 – How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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