Renew Their Strength

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - Promises - Day 93 - Isaiah 40:30-31- Renew Their Strength - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Promises – Day 93 – Isaiah 40:30-31- Renew Their Strength – Growing As Disciples

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV)


You look really worn out. I feel exhausted. I don’t think that I can take one more step. I hate being this weary. I don’t like seeing you like this either. You don’t? Of course not, it isn’t my plan for you to be unhappy, overworked and worn out. Can I ask you a question? Go right ahead. Why do you give me so much work to do if you don’t like seeing me weary and worn out? Are you sure that you aren’t doing more than I have asked you to do for me? Am I? Now, that’s a good question at the wrong time. Why is that? You tell me. It’s probably better to ask you if you want me to take on an assignment before I start rather then while I’m worn out trying to complete it. You got that right. So, what will you do differently in the future? I will ask you to help me to know if I should or shouldn’t take on a new assignment. That will be very good. Trying to do too much is not the only explanation for why you might be weary in your work. What might be another explanation?

You were right about one thing. What’s that? I will always give you more than you can accomplish. I thought you didn’t like seeing me weary and worn out. I don’t. Now, I’m confused. Why do you think I will always give you more than you can accomplish? I’m not sure. If I only gave you what you could accomplish, who would you rely on to accomplish it? I would rely on myself. That’s right and is that a good thing? No, it’s not. Why is that? You want me to come to rely on you for your strength to accomplish what you have given me to do. Yes, I do. Why do you think I want you to come to rely on me? I’m not sure. Think hard. You want to develop a relationship with me. Yes, I do. Do you think it is possible that I am more interested in developing a relationship with you than I am in seeing you accomplish great things for me? Is that true? Yes, it is. In fact I will not let you accomplish great things for me unless we have developed a close relationship with each other. My coming to rely on you is that important to you? Yes, it is. That makes me glad. Yes, I knew it would. There is another reason I will not give you my power and strength to accomplish things for me without us developing a close relationship with each other. What’s that?

Who would get the credit if I allowed you to accomplish great things with your own strength? I suppose that I would. Yes, you would. Would anyone be drawn to me through the great things you did with your own strength? Probably not. Would you have any sense that I was working in and through your life if you only accomplished what you could do with your own strength? No, I wouldn’t. Can you see the point? You want me to rely on you so I can come to know you. Yes, I do. You want others to be drawn to you through the work that you do in and through my life. Yes, I do. Is that what you want? Yes Lord, that’s exactly what I want. I will come to rely and wait on you. That will be very good.

Lord, I know I will never have enough of my own power and strength to follow and serve you. That’s a good thing. Otherwise I might be tempted to rely on myself. Instead I will rely on you and wait for you to renew me with your strength. Amen

Key Question… How has relying on the Lord and keeping your eyes focused on Him given you peace in life?

Living It Out… Place your complete trust in the Lord your eternal rock so that you will receive His perfect peace.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith to believe that you will have perfect peace as you place your complete trust in the Lord.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how placing your trust in the Lord has brought you His perfect peace.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you receive perfect peace from the Lord as you place your complete trust in Him.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Promises – Day 93 – Isaiah 26-3-4 – Perfect Peace – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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