Humble And Gentle

The Virtuous Life - Day 211 -Ephesians 4-1-3 - Humble And Gentle - Growing As Disciples

The Virtuous Life – Day 211 -Ephesians 4-1-3 – Humble And Gentle – Growing As Disciples

Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.  Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.  Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 (NLT)

My Calling

I want to live that out. I don’t want to fall short on that score. I don’t want to miss the mark on that goal. What do you want to live out? In what way do you not want to fall short? What goal do you want to be on target and sure to accomplish? I want to live out my calling. That is a very good desire. That is very good goal. You will be doing very well if you live out your calling. How can you be certain that you will never fail in living out your calling? First, I need to acknowledge who has called me. Then I need to understand the nature of my calling. You have my full attention. I am excited to hear what you have to say about your calling. It is you who has called me. You called me to come to you. You called me to leave my old life of sin. You called me to love and follow and serve you. You called me to live my life with and for you. You called me to live and walk in an intimate relationship with you. You have called me to live a new and different life. It is your desire to change my heart, transform my mind and guide my life.  You have a very good understanding of your calling. You have been teaching me. You have been training me. I have been listening to you. That is very good.

You have more to say on this subject. Yes, I do. Tell me how you will be certain to live out you calling? If I keep my heart and mind and life focused on you, I will never fail in living out my calling. If I allow you to change my heart and transform my mind as I continually draw near to you and live in your presence, I will never fail to live out my calling. Why is that? Well, to be clear, it is my calling to become like you. I want to think and speak and act like you. I want to live as you lived. I want to be humble as you were humble. I want to be gentle as you were gentle. I want to patient and loving, making allowances for other’s fault just as you have made allowances for all my faults. As I continue to draw near to you, I will become like you and then I will never fail to live out my calling. You are correct. In my presence you will be transformed. You will become like me. You will live out your calling. Thank you, Lord. 

Lord, I need all the help I can get. I want to fully live out my calling. I want to follow your example. I want to be humble and gentle and loving towards other. Help me to be patient, making allowance for other’s faults. Help me to live in peace with others. Amen

Key Question…  What kind of behavior is worthy of your calling as a follower of Jesus Christ?

Living It Out…  Make every effort to live out your calling by being humble, gentle, patient, and loving towards others.

Seeing It Happen…  Have faith that the Lord will help you to be humble, gentle, patient, and loving towards others.

Get Ready To Share…  Share with another person or your small group how you are being humble, gentle, patient, and loving towards others.

Prayer To Bless Others…  May you be humble, gentle, and patient, allowing your love to make allowances for other’s faults.

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