Delights In A Man’s Way

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide - If - Psalm 37:23-24 - Delights In A Man's Ways - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – If – Psalm 37:23-24 – Delights In A Man’s Ways – Growing As Disciples

If the LORD delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV)

Your Way

Do you want me to delight in your way? Would you like to know that the steps that you are taking in life are sure and firm? Would you like to walk on solid ground? It is the desire of my heart to walk in the way that pleases you. I do want to know that my steps are sure and that I am walking on solid ground. What do you think would please me? What will give security to your steps? How will know for certain that you are walking on solid ground? If I follow you I will be walking on solid ground. If I follow you I will have security to my steps. If I follow you I will certainly do what pleases you. That’s right.

How will you know if you are following me? In order to follow your way I will need to set aside my way. I cannot insist on my own way and walk in your way. Is that what you want? I have no interest in following my own way. I want to know you and do your will. That is a very good desire. How will you come to know me? How will you be able to do my will? Only you can make me able to know you and do your will. That’s right. What have I given to you so that you can know me and do my will?

You have put your Holy Spirit in me so that I can know you and do your will. You have given me your word so that I can know you and do your will. Yes, that’s right. My Spirit will take my word and apply it to your life. My Spirit will speak to you through my word. My Spirit will use my word as a sword to fight in you, with you and for you. My Spirit will use my word to make you able to know and do my will. My Spirit will use my word to change your heart and transform your mind. My Spirit will use my word to make you able to hear my voice and follow me. My Spirit and my word will make you able to stand against temptation and evil as you follow me. My Spirit and my word will make your steps firm and your walk secure. As you follow my Spirit and listen to my word you will know that you are doing what pleases me. I will lead and guide you through life. You can hold on to me as I hold on to you. When you stumble I will pick you up so that you can keep on following me. Lord, I will keep on following you. That will be very good.

Lord, I am setting aside my way so I can walk in your way. It is my heart’s desire to walk in the way that is pleasing to you. Make my steps firm as I follow you. Hold on to me as I hold on to you. Pick me up when I stumble so I can keep on following you. Amen

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

If – Psalm 37-23-24 – Delights In A Man’s Way – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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