Carry Each Other’s Burdens

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 253 Galatians 6:2-3 - Carry Each Other's Burdens- Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 253 Galatians 6:2-3 – Carry Each Other’s Burdens- Growing As Disciples

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Galatians 6:2-3 (NIV)


What is your focus? That is quite a broad question. I’m not sure what you mean. I can be much clearer. I’d like that. Go ahead, I’m listening. Is your focus solely on yourself? Are you preoccupied with your thoughts, concerns, problems and issues? Are you the center of your own world? Does everyone and everything revolve around you? Are you consumed by your own life? Are you too busy and preoccupied to notice the pain and suffering of those around you? Is your life and your concerns so important that you cannot notice others who might need your help? You weren’t kidding when you said you could be clearer. No, I was not. I suppose those aren’t rhetorical questions. You would like me to answer your questions. Yes, I would. There is no point in denying that quite often I am busy and preoccupied with myself. I have been racing through life trying to check off boxes on my “to do list”. The needs of others have not often risen to my priority list. My focus has too often been on myself. My ability to hear or see others in need has often been muted from my hearing or obscured from my sight. That is regrettable. That is unfortunate. That is a terrible mistake. Yes, it is.

How do you want to change? What would you like to do differently? You know that I want to become like you in all that I think, say and do. I want to follow your example. It is the desire of my heart to live like you lived and do what you did. How did I live? What did I do? You slowed down to love others. You didn’t race through life. You took notice of the pain and suffering all around you. Your focus was not on yourself. You came into this world to serve others. You loved others completely. You noticed and picked up and carried the burdens of others. Is that what you want? Yes, it is. I want to give like you gave. I want to serve like you served. I want to love like you loved. In every way and on every day, I want to follow your example. That is a good and right and pure desire in you. Is that the prayer of your heart? Yes, it is. I will hear and answer this prayer of yours. Thank you, Lord.  

Lord, my focus has often been on myself and my concerns and problems. My eyes and ears have been closed to others who have far greater need. Help me to take my focus off myself. Help me to become like you in loving others. I want to carry other’s burdens. Amen

Key Question… What joy has been yours because you were able to help carry someone’s burden?

Living It Out… Carry other’s burdens so that you will be able to love like Christ loved.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that the Lord will show you how to carry other’s burdens so you can love like He loved.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how the Lord is teaching you how to carry other’s burdens.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you carry other’s burdens so you can love like Christ loved.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 253 – Galatians 6-2-3 – Carry Each Other’s Burdens – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

I Must Become Less

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 254 John 3:30 - I Must Become Less - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 254 John 3:30 – I Must Become Less – Growing As Disciples

He must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30 (NIV)


I need to keep that word ever before me. What word? I need to keep the word, “less” in my conscious and ongoing thoughts. Why is that? At times, I have had a pretty high opinion of myself. That is hard to acknowledge. But it has been true. I have certainly thought more about my needs and wants and opinions and desires than almost any other subject. “What do I want?” “What do I desire? “What do I need?” Those questions have driven a good share of my life. As hard as it is to admit, I would say that I have been very full of myself. How full? Imagine a glass full to the very brim. Now try to pour in some additional water. That is how full I have been of myself. I have been so full of myself that nothing more could be poured into my life. Others couldn’t pour anything into my life. You couldn’t pour anything into my life. That is not good. Yes, I know. But that is all about to change.

What would you like to change? How differently would you like to live your life? For starters, I want less of me. I want to take my eyes off of myself. No longer do I want my life to be consumed and guided and surrounded by thoughts of me, myself and I. Frankly, I am more than a little tired of me, myself and I. I don’t want to continually think and speak and act in ways that are pleasing to me. Living for myself, my comfort and my pleasure will no longer drive my life. I want my focus to be on you. I want to be completely open to whatever you have to say to me. I want you to be able to pour your guidance and instruction into my life. I want to receive whatever you have for me. Why do you want this? I want to be able to know and do your will. I want my heart and mind and life to be centered on you. As I decrease, as there is less of me, I want there to be more of you in my life. I want to think your thoughts, speak your words and do your actions. Why do you want this? I want my life to point others to you. I want to shine brightly and burn hotly for you. I want to bear fruit for your kingdom. I want to bring glory to your name. It is my prayer that there will be far less of me and far more of you in my life. Help me to decrease, so you can increase in all that I think, say and do. Allow me to be a bold and bright witness for you in this world. I will hear and answer your prayer. Thank you, Lord. 

Lord, I know life does not revolve around me. I’m not the center of the universe. I’m not the object of everyone’s attention. Far from it. It is my desire to become less and less so you can become more and more in my life. Be exalted in my life for your glory. Amen

Key Question… How are you becoming less so that the Lord can become more in your life?

Living It Out… Allow yourself to become less, so that the Lord will become more in your life.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that as you become less, the Lord will become more in your life.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how as you have become less, the Lord has become more in your life.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you become less so that the Lord will become more in your life.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 254 – John 3-30 – I Must Become Less – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

The Man Of God Told Him

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 256 - 2 Kings 5:13-15 - The Man Of God Told Him - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 256 – 2 Kings 5:13-15 – The Man Of God Told Him – Growing As Disciples

Naaman’s servants went to him and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’!” So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy. Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. Please accept now a gift from your servant.” 2 Kings 5:13-15 (NIV)

Who Am I?

Who am I that I need to figure everything out? Who am I that I need full understanding? Who am I that I need to be in complete agreement? What are you talking about? What don’t you need to figure out? About what do you not need full understanding? Why don’t you need to be in complete agreement? I’m talking about your will. I am thinking about following your guidance and receiving your instruction. Am I the evaluator of your guidance and instruction? I think not. Will I only do as you ask of me only if I understand or agree or am in complete agreement? I think not. Will I do what you ask me simply because it is you that has asked me? I hope so. I believe so. I pray so. Where would faith and hope and trust be if I only did what made sense to me? Would I ever be taking a step of faith with you if you needed to convince me to do what you asked of me every time? That would be no faith at all. That’s true. If I need to figure everything out, fully understand or be in complete agreement, then I would be simply relying on my own thoughts and ideas and understandings. That is also true. 

I know something for certain. What’s that? You will call me to leave the familiar to do the uncomfortable. You will cause me to come to rely on you. You will stretch and grow my faith in you by asking me to do what does not seem understandable, likely or even possible. Taking a step of faith with you into the unknown to do the impossible is a real step of faith. Yes, it is. That is what I want to do. I want to take real steps of faith with you. I want you to do in and through me what only you can do as I come to rely on you. That will be very good. Follow me. Yes Lord, I will. 

Lord, I have not always followed your guidance or accepted your instruction. I have foolishly thought that I had a better way that was an improvement on your guidance and instruction. Obviously, that was a huge mistake. Help me now to follow and obey you. Amen

Key Question… When has the Lord given you guidance and instruction that was quite different than you anticipated?

Living It Out… Hear, follow, and obey all the Lord’s guidance and instruction.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that the Lord will bless your life as you follow His guidance and accept His instruction.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how following the Lord’s guidance and instruction has blessed your life.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you follow and obey the Lord’s instructions.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 256 – 2 Kings 5-13-15 – The Man Of God Told Him – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

He Who Answers Before Listening

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 257 - Proverbs 18:13 - He Who Answers Before Listening - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 257 – Proverbs 18:13 – He Who Answers Before Listening – Growing As Disciples

He who answers before listening– that is his folly and his shame. Proverbs 18:13 (NIV) 

Listen Carefully, Speak Wisely 

That is exactly what I want to do. What do you want to do? I want to be able to listen carefully and speak wisely. It is good that you have linked those two thoughts together. Why is that? Those thoughts are intertwined. Those two ideas are inseparable. How so? You will never be able to speak wisely without learning to listen carefully. Do you know why that is? No, I don’t think so. Maybe I do, but I’m not sure. Take a guess. Not listening is a sure sign of pride. Not listening conveys the attitude that I have much to offer and no need to receive. It is the attitude of a “know it all”. A poor listener cuts themselves off from learning from others. A poor listener will never have the benefit of other’s insight. A poor listener will live forever with their blind spots that they can’t see by themselves. Why is that? It is easy to recognize a poor listener. A poor listener sends out signals that shout, “Don’t bother with me, because I won’t listen to you.” I don’t want to be that person. That’s good. 

How will you become a good listener? Where you will start? What will you do? I will start with you. It is the desire of my heart to hear from you. I want to listen to every word that you have to say to me. There is no one I want to hear from more than you. That’s good. So, I will withdraw from the noise and busyness of life. I will go to a quiet place. I will slow down and make myself attentive to you. I will separate myself from the swirl of activity all around me. Why will that be necessary? I am hard of hearing. Listening to you does not come naturally to me. No, it does not. Quieting myself before you will take all the strength that you will give to me. Why is that? Activity and busyness is my norm. Racing here and there and everywhere is my strength. It’s not really a strength. I know. It’s a huge weakness. But there is one thing I know for certain. What’s that? You will speak to me as I meet with you. You will speak to me as I meet with you in your word, and in prayer, and in worship. Yes, I will. 

What will happen to you as you listen attentively to me? You will give me wise words to speak as I listen attentively to you. Yes, I will.  What else? You will strengthen and develop my ability to listen to others as I keep on listening to you. Yes, I will. What else? As I listen to others, I will be more able to minister to them. You will give me wise and caring and loving words to speak that will bring life and healing to others. Yes, I will. Keep on listening to me. Yes Lord, I will. That will be very good. 

Lord, I know I have pridefully spoken quickly without listening carefully. I have often spoken unhelpful and unhealthy words I have deeply regretted. Help me to listen attentively to you. Help me to speak wise words that will build up and encourage others. Amen

Key Question… When have you made the mistake of speaking without listening carefully?

Living It Out… Listen carefully to the Lord so that you will be able to speak wisely to others.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that the Lord will give you wise words to speak as you listen carefully to Him.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how you are listening carefully so you will be able to speak wisely.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you listen carefully to the Lord so you will be able to speak wisely to others.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 257 – Proverbs 18-13 – He Who Answers Before Listening – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

You Are The Potter

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 258 - Isaiah 64:8- You Are The Potter - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 258 – Isaiah 64:8- You Are The Potter – Growing As Disciples

Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8 (NIV) 


I am so glad that you are the potter and I am the clay. Why is that? The pressure is off. It is you who are molding and shaping my life. You will make me into your masterpiece. Yes, I am and yes, I will. That is such good news. I would make a terrible potter, especially of myself. I would be sadly misshapen if I had to make myself into a masterpiece. There would be no hope. My efforts would be comical and humorous if they weren’t so sad. So, thank you, that I am the work of your hands. You are welcome.

You do have a role in my molding and shaping you. What is my role? First, I will say that you must allow me to mold and shape you. You must be ready and willing for me to mold and shape you. You could resist my efforts. You could hinder my work. You must welcome my work in and through you. I would never knowingly resist your efforts or hinder your work. Really? Have you never been stubborn? Have you never been strong willed? Have you never been opinionated? Have you never disobeyed me? Have you never run away from me? Have you never disobeyed my instructions and rejected my guidance? Have you never determined that you were going to live your life for yourself, by doing your own thing? Well, I have done all of those things at one time or another. Will doing those things help or hinder my work of molding and shaping you? Doing any of those things will no doubt hinder your work of molding and shaping me Yes, it will. 

What must you do if you want me to mold and shape you? I must draw near to you. I must submit myself to you. I must listen attentively to you. I must follow you to where you lead me. I must do what you ask of me. I must focus my heart and mind and life on you. In a word, I must give myself fully to you, so that you can mold and shape me into your masterpiece. Couldn’t I mold and shape you against your will? You could, but you won’t. Why is that? You have given me a free will. You have given me a life to live. I can choose to live my life with and for you, or I can choose to wander away from you. It is my choice. Yes, it is. Well, without a doubt I want to live my life with and for you. I want you to mold and shape me into your masterpiece. I want to be the work of your hands. That is very good. That is what I will do for you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for molding and shaping my life. I have great joy and comfort and confidence knowing that I am the work of your hands. Keep on molding and shaping my life. Make me into your masterpiece so that I can bring glory to your name. Amen

Key Question… How are you making yourself available to the Heavenly Father’s molding and shaping of your life?

Living It Out… Allow your Heavenly Father to mold and shape your life.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that your Heavenly Father is the potter who will mold and shape your life.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how your Heavenly Father has been molding and shaping your life.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you allow yourself to be molded and shaped by your Heavenly Father.

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Becoming Like Christ – Day 258 – Isaiah 64-8 – You Are The Potter – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

Hear A Voice

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 259 - Isaiah 30:21 - Hear A Voice - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 259 – Isaiah 30:21 – Hear A Voice – Growing As Disciples

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

Your Voice

That is what I want to hear. What do you want to hear? I want to hear your voice speaking to me. Why are you so determined to hear my instruction and receive my guidance? I want to know if I should stop or start or turn to the right or to the left, move forward or step backward. I don’t want to waste time. I don’t want to take missteps. I would like to go where you guide me so that I can do what you ask of me. In other words, I want to know and do your will. That is very good. But there is far more. Like what? I want to live in an intimate relationship with you. I want to walk through life with you. That will be very good.

What will be necessary for you to hear from me? I will need to be listening to you. That seems quite obvious doesn’t it? Yes, it does. How will you go about listening to me? First, of all I will draw near to you. I will quiet myself before you. I will withdraw from the noise and busyness of life. I will separate myself from what will distract or preoccupy me from focusing my heart and mind and life on you. I will give you my full attention. I will focus myself fully on you. I will set apart a specific time and place to meet with you. How often? Every day. Not a day will go by that I won’t need to hear from you.  That sounds like a very good start.

How will you meet with me? I will meet with you in prayer. I will meet with you in your word. I will meet with you in worship. I will meet with you in service. I will meet with you as I gather together in your body of believers. That will be very good.

What do you expect to hear from me? I expect that you will guard and guide me. I expect that you will empower and strengthen me. I expect that you will revive and refresh and restore me. I expect that you will lift me up and encourage me. I expect that you will teach and train me. I expect that you will mold and shape me. I expect that you will work in and through me. Why will I do all these things for you? You love and care for me. You lived and died for me. You are my Savior and Lord. You are my God and Father. I am your child. You have adopted me into your family. Yes, I am all of these things to you. Yes, I will do all of these things for you. Listen to me, I will speak to you. Yes Lord, I will. That will be very good.

Lord, at times, I have been very hard of hearing. I have been distracted. I have been preoccupied. I have been frantically busy and wrongly focused. Help me to slow down and quiet myself so I can hear you. Help me to hear your voice guiding me through life. Amen

Key Question… How are you slowing down and quieting yourself before the Lord so you can hear from Him?

Living It Out… Listen attentively to the Lord’s voice guiding you through life.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that the Lord will guide you through life as you listen to His voice.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how the Lord has guided you through life as you listened to His voice.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you listen to the voice of the Lord leading you through life.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 259 – Isaiah 30-21 – Hear A Voice – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

Accomplish What I Desire

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 260 - Isaiah 55:10-11 - Accomplish What I Desire - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 260 – Isaiah 55:10-11 – Accomplish What I Desire – Growing As Disciples

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11 (NIV)  

In Alignment

That is what I want. What do you want? I want my life to be in alignment with your purposes. That is a very good desire. How can you come to know my purposes? I can know your purposes as I let your word dwell in me richly. How will you let my word dwell in you richly? Daily, I will meet with you in your word. I will read your word. I will study your word. I will meditate on and memorize your word. I will pray your word. I will proclaim your word. In every way, I will grab ahold of your word as your word grabs ahold of me. Most importantly, I will put your word into practice as I listen attentively to you. That will be very good.

What will my word do for you? Your word will change my heart, transform my mind and guide my life. Your word will make me able to know and do your will. How so? Your word will teach and train me. Your word will mold and shape me. Your word will be like a sword in the Holy Spirit’s hands. Your word will fight in me, with me, for me and through me. Your word will strengthen and empower me. Your word will make me able to resist temptation and stand against evil. Your word will give me your thoughts to think, words to speak and actions to take. Yes, my word will do all these things in and for you.

What will my word be certain to accomplish? Just as the rain comes down and waters the earth and makes life grow, so also, your word will certainly accomplish your purposes and fulfill your plans. What are my purposes and plans? It is your plan that your people will come to know and love and follow and serve you. You want your people to live in an intimate relationship with you. You want your people to praise and worship and give thanks to you. You want your people to give you all the honor that you deserve. You want your people to bear fruit for your kingdom and bring glory to your name. You want your people to one day come to live forever in heaven with you. Do I understand what you want? Do I know your purposes and plans? Yes, these are my purposes. This is my plan. Do you want what I want? Yes, I do. That is very good.

Lord, I want my heart and mind and life to come into alignment with you. I want my thoughts and words and actions to be consistent with your purposes. Use your word to change my heart, transform my mind and guide my life so I can know and do your will. Amen

Key Question… How has God’s word aligned your thoughts, words, and actions with His purposes?

Living It Out… Make it your daily pattern to meet with God in His word so He can use it to accomplish His purposes in your life.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that God will powerfully use His word to accomplish His purposes in your life.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how God has used His word to accomplish His purposes in your life.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you allow God to use His word to accomplish His purposes in your life.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 260 – Isaiah 55 -10-11 – Accomplish What I Desire – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

Ask Whatever You Wish

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 261 - John 15:5-8- Ask Whatever You Wish - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 261 – John 15:5-8- Ask Whatever You Wish – Growing As Disciples

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:5-8 (NIV)  

Vitally Connected

I want to remain vitally connected to you. I want to live in an intimate relationship with you. I don’t want to wander away from you. I don’t want to run ahead of you. I don’t want to lag behind you. This is a good desire you have in your heart. It is far more than a desire in my heart. Yes, I know, tell me about it. This is the prayer of my life. Yes, it is. Do you believe that I will hear and answer this desire and prayer of yours? Without a doubt, you will hear and answer this desire and prayer of mine. Why do you say that? How can you be so sure? I know where this desire and prayer came from. You do? Yes, I do. Tell me more. You put the desire to know you in me. You gave me this passion to want to live in an intimate relationship with you. It was you who drew me to yourself when I was walking on the road that led away from you. You pursued me. You would not let me go. You would not let me live a life without you. No, I would not. So now, I am positive that we both want the same thing. What’s that? You want me to know you. You want to live in an intimate relationship with you. You want me to love you with all my heart and mind and soul and strength. Yes, I want all of these things for you. I want them as well. So, I would say that you are the giver of this desire and prayer of mine. It is you who placed this prayer in my heart and mind. It is you who has put this prayer on my lips. You who are the giver of prayers are also the granter of prayers. Yes, I am. You are correct, in not doubting that I will hear and answer this prayer of yours. You will remain vitally connected to me. You will bear abundant fruit for my kingdom. You will bring glory to my name. I will hear and answer your prayers as you remain vitally connected to me. Be sure of this, I have many more prayers to give and grant to you as you love, follow and serve me. Thank you, Lord. I will pray the prayers that you give me to pray as I remain vitally connected to you. That will be very good. 

Lord, I want to remain vitally connected to you. I want to live in an intimate relationship with you throughout my life. Help me to remain in you so my life will bear abundant fruit and bring glory to God. Guide and grant, hear and answer my prayers to you. Amen

Key Question… What daily spiritual disciplines have helped you to continue to remain vitally connected to Christ?

Living It Out… Remain vitally connected to Christ so that you will be able to pray prayers that He will hear and answer.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that the Lord will hear and answer your prayers as you remain vitally connected to Him.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how being vitally connected to Christ has guided your prayers.

Prayer To Bless Others… May Christ hear and answer your prayers as you remain vitally connected to Him.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 261 – John 15-5-8 – Ask Whatever You Wish – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

Make Sure That Nobody Pays Back Wrong For Wrong

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 262 - 1 Thessalonians 5:15 - Make Sure That Nobody Pays Back Wrong For Wrong - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 262 – 1 Thessalonians 5:15 – Make Sure That Nobody Pays Back Wrong For Wrong – Growing As Disciples

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.  1 Thessalonians 5:15 (NIV)  

Pay Back

That is a losing proposition. What is a losing proposition? It is a losing proposition to try to pay back someone for the wrong they have done to you. I agree with you. Tell me why you think it is a losing proposition to try to pay someone back for the wrongs they have done to you. No one ever wins in paying wrong for wrong. No one ever gets ahead. No one ever becomes satisfied. Anger and revenge and bitterness will eat a person alive. Anger and revenge and bitterness only increases stress and anxiety. It will shorten a life. It will eliminate happiness and kill joy. There is no up-side to paying wrong for wrong.  It is a tool of the devil that will steal, kill and destroy life, which is his evil goal. I have no desire to participate in his plan. I will do nothing to further his efforts. That’s good.

What will you do instead of trying to pay wrong for wrong? What will be your attitude and action plan towards those who have wronged you? I have only one strategy. I have only one hope. What’s that? I will pray for those who have hurt and harmed me. That’s it? That’s all? No, that is just a start. Tell me more about this start. As I pray for those who have harmed me, I know what will happen. What’s that? You will change my heart and mind toward people who harmed me. You will help me to let go of angry and bitter and resentful thoughts. You will help me to see those who harmed me through your eyes. You will help me to love and be kind to everyone, including those who have hurt and harmed me. Yes, I will. You can count on it. 

Why can you be sure that praying for others, including those who have harmed you, is the right approach? That’s easy to answer. Why is that? All I will need to do is look at your example. All I will have to do is do what you did. What did I do? You loved and forgave everyone. You prayed for those who hurt and harmed you. You loved and cared for and were kind to everyone, even those who thought and acted as your enemies. Yes, I did.

What will be the result of your being kind to everyone, including those who have hurt and harmed you? Some former adversaries may become my friends. Some who have hurt and harmed me may see your love flowing in and through me. Some may be drawn to you and come to know you because they have seen your light and life in me. Wouldn’t that be great? Wouldn’t that be something to celebrate? Could we rejoice together over that? Yes, we could. Yes, we will. Thank you, Lord. 

Lord, at times, I have been the source of adversarial relationships with others. I have fallen to the temptation of paying back wrong for wrong. Forgive me. Help me now, to follow your example by being kind to everyone, including those who have harmed me. Amen

Key Question… Why must you never allow yourself to become the source of adversarial relationships?

Living It Out… Follow the Lord’s example by being kind to even those who have harmed you.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that the Lord will help you to be kind to everyone, including those who have harmed you.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how you have been kind to even those who have harmed you.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you never pay back wrong for wrong, rather be kind to everyone.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 262 – 1 Thessalonians 5-15 – Make Sure That Nobody Pays Back Wrong For Wrong – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted            

Be Diligent In These Matters

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ - Day 263 - 1 Timothy 4:15-16 - Be Diligent In These Matters - Growing As Disciples

Discipleship Devotional Study Guide – Becoming Like Christ – Day 263 – 1 Timothy 4:15-16 – Be Diligent In These Matters – Growing As Disciples

Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 1 Timothy 4:15-16 (NIV) 

Make Progress

That is what I want to do. What do you want to do? I want to make progress as one of your followers. That is a very good desire. What kind of progress do you want to make? I want to grow in knowing and loving and following and serving you. I want to come to know you intimately. By that I mean personally, as well. For example, I have no desire to only know about you. Why is that? Seeking to only know about you seems like an inoculation against the real thing. What is the real thing? Knowing and loving and following and serving you is the real thing. It is the real deal. It is not fake. It is not phony. I don’t want to exchange only knowing about you for actually knowing you. There is a world of difference between the two. Yes, there is, you are quite right about that.

What do you hope to become as you come to know me? What do you desire to do as you come to know me? Those two questions get to the heart of the issue. Knowing you will cause me to love and follow and serve you. Knowing you will change my heart and transform my mind. Knowing you will help me to know and do your will. There is one burning desire that I have that is part of knowing you. What is that? I want to become like you. Only knowing you will make me able to think your thoughts, speak your words and do your deeds. I want to live a life that closely resembles yours. I want your light and life and love to flow in and through me. I want to be a bright and bold witness for you in the world. I want my life to point others to you. I want others to come to know and love and follow and serve you because they have seen your life being lived out in and through me. How is that for a bold desire and request? Could I ask for anything better? Could I want anything more? I don’t think so. What will this coming true in your life be called? I would call it progress, wouldn’t you? Yes, I would. I want my progress of knowing and loving and following and serving you to be evident and obvious to all so that a multitude are drawn to you through the witness of my life. That is my prayer. That is my hope. That is my desire. I will hear and answer this hope and desire and prayer of yours. Thank you, Lord. 

Lord, I will be diligent. I will be disciplined. I will be serious. I will give myself wholly to growing and making spiritual progress as one of your followers. Help me to be vibrant. Help me to be fully alive. Use my life as a bright and bold witness for you in the word. Amen

Key Question… How are you giving yourself wholly and enthusiastically to growing as a follower of Jesus Christ?

Living It Out… Carefully watch your life and doctrine so that you will remain a vibrant and effective witness for the Lord.

Seeing It Happen… Have faith that the Lord will help you to make spiritual progress that is evident and obvious to all.

Get Ready To Share… Share with another person or your small group how the vibrancy of your faith has drawn others to Christ.

Prayer To Bless Others… May you be diligent as a follower of Christ so that your progress will be evident and obvious to all.

For today’s complete 4 page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide click here:

Becoming Like Christ – Day 263 – 1 Timothy 4-15-16 – Be Diligent In These Matters – 4 Page Discipleship Devotional Study Guide

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By Jon Ulrich © All rights reserved                   Copying not permitted